Our Role

Generating insights, building a dashboard, and automating the entire process

Tools used

Python, SQL, Tableau


The client, a cloud-based software solutions provider, initiated a project on sales enablement and wanted to facilitate the same through internal training modules for its sales teams. It started with running a few courses and wanted to understand their impact across different learner segments, i.e., sellers across different regions, markets, operating units etc. The client needed help to develop a system that could generate insights on the performance of courses on the go over different periods, along with a holistic view of the overall performance.

Our Solution / Action Taken

Priorise’s team of problem solvers proposed a solution that involved creating treatment and control groups using the base of sellers who took the courses and comparing the performance of both groups across multiple KPIs over 90 days. Combining its rich experience in the insight generation space along with sophisticated data analytics capability, Priorise deployed a scalable analytics solution to create a 360-degree view of the performance of all courses and provide recommendations to suggest the most effective course to the appropriate learner segment at any given point in time.

Some key features of this solution:

Data extraction from Oracle SQL database to Python for processing

A new algorithm to create the control group, where every course taker was matched to their peers with similar characteristics in terms of the region served, allotted targets, performance and markets catered to

Impact measurement for all courses in terms of uplift for the treatment group with respect to the control group, across multiple KPIs and different learner segments

Auto-generation of text-based actionable insights from the data

Uploading fresh tables to Oracle SQL and code push to GitHub

State-of-the-art intuitive dashboard on Tableau for stakeholders to get actionable insights across different metrics

Project Information

Business Impact / Results

  • A one-stop platform to understand the performance of different courses and their impact on different learner segments
  • Reduced manual effort and time spent in analysing data and sharing reports with senior stakeholders
  • More time for the client to spend on decision making and improved overall efficiency